6 Ingredients To Avoid in Skincare
Posted on December 16 2022

6 ingredients to avoid in Skincare
As a beauty blogger and someone who has had acne since my teens, I've spent a lot of time researching the ingredients that can help me achieve clear skin. But it wasn't until recently that I learned there are also many toxic ingredients that can do much more harm than good to your skin. The first time I found out about them was when I read the book Skin Cleanse by Kate Somerville, which is where this list comes from.
Parabens are preservatives used in cosmetics and skincare products. Parabens can be found in shampoos, conditioners, facial cleansers and moisturizers—just about any cosmetic product you can think of! They’re also present in food products to prevent bacterial growth.
The problem with parabens is that they have been linked to cancer as well as endocrine disruption (they interrupt your body’s natural hormone system). It’s generally accepted that they disrupt the endocrine system by acting like estrogen in the body, which may increase one’s risk of developing breast cancer if used regularly over a long period of time. Some research has also shown that parabens can be toxic to different organs such as the kidneys and liver when ingested repeatedly over a long period of time.
It's important to know what is in your products, but it can be tricky. It's not always easy to tell if a product has fragrance or not.
The term "fragrance" is used for many different substances that are added to a product and don't have to be listed on the label. Fragrance often refers to synthetic chemicals like phthalates, parabens and formaldehyde-releasing preservatives that may cause irritation or allergies. Since there are no regulations requiring them to be listed individually by the FDA, some fragrances aren't even identified by name on the ingredient list—you'll just see "parfum" (another word for fragrance). Synthetic fragrances are especially problematic because they're made from volatile chemicals that evaporate easily into air and into our bodies when we put them on our skin; these chemicals can trigger asthma in kids with respiratory conditions like asthma or allergies
One ingredient to avoid is talc. Talc is a mineral that’s used in skincare products as an absorbent and filler. It’s also found in Johnson & Johnson’s famous baby powder, which has been linked to ovarian cancer in some women. Talc itself is not thought to cause cancer; instead, it absorbs moisture from the lining of your vagina and ovaries, so that tiny particles can be released into your bloodstream where they can cause inflammation and damage your DNA. Talc has been removed from all Johnson & Johnson products except for Shower to Shower Body Wash, which will be reformulated without it by 2020.*
source: https://www.pewtrusts.org/~/media/assets/20190913_talc-babypowder-letter-from-johnsonandjohnsontojohnsonandjohnsoncustomersabouttheuseoftalcumpowderandthelinktoovariancancerwithj&jdocid=6aa1d2e8a3b9a01_wzksmd&type=pdf
Benzoyl peroxide
Benzoyl peroxide is a common ingredient in skincare products that can be effective at treating acne. However, it can also be very drying on skin and cause peeling, redness and irritation.
It is best to avoid using benzoyl peroxide if you have sensitive skin or are prone to chemical burns from the product.
Aluminum is a metal that can cause skin irritation and allergies.
Aluminum is used in antiperspirants to stop sweating, and it’s also found in some face creams and moisturizers. Aluminium-based compounds are included as ingredients in sunscreen products, where they block UV light from penetrating the skin.
Synthetic Dyes
Synthetic dyes are used in makeup, hair dye, and skincare products. Dyes can be made from petrochemicals (i.e., oil) or coal tar.
Petrochemical dyes have been linked with allergic reactions; cross-reactivity between chemicals found in petroleum products and food allergens has been noted by the Food Allergy Research & Education organization.
Some studies have suggested that certain synthetic dyes can cause cancer (3). When these substances are absorbed through the skin, they may cause health problems like hormone disruption and infertility.
There are many toxic ingredients in skincare. Look for natural products to avoid being exposed to harmful ingredients.
There are many toxic ingredients in skincare. Look for natural products to avoid being exposed to harmful ingredients.
Make sure you know what the product is made from and if it’s safe for your skin. If you have sensitive or reactive skin, try using products that are gentle on your skin and made with all-natural ingredients. For example:
No parabens or phthalates
No fragrance or artificial scents (like rose, lavender, vanilla)
No dyes or colorants added
If you’re looking for a way to take care of your skin, consider switching to products with natural ingredients. There are many options out there that don’t have any of the harmful chemicals we talked about here. If you’re unsure about which ones will work best for you, consult with your dermatologist or ask their advice on brands they recommend using as well.